Harnas 2010
This really was one of the most amazing months of my life.
My journey began on 14th July 2010, not knowing what to expect i flew to Namibia where i stayed overnight at a hostel before being picked up early on the 16th for my travel to Harnas.
This place really was a dream come true, so amazing to see hand reared cheetahs, caracals, jackals being released slowly into the wild. Pride, a cheetah raised on the farm from a young cub is now successfully released into the lifeline, where she will continue to hunt until she is ready to be released into bushman land.
Closely following Pride is a beautiful cheetah called Duma, whilst i was volunteering Duma was in an enclosure fitted with a GPS collar awaiting release. She was the most beautiful, loving cheetah and its incredible to know she is now alongside Pride in the lifeline.
The interaction with the animals was incredible, it took some time to gain confidence with all the animals, but getting so close was awesome, especially knowing those animals will eventually be released back into the wild. The cheeky baboons, lazy lions and fiesty vervet monkeys really were amazing.
Harnas has teamed up with the bushman, educating them into the conservation of these animals, along with their help tracking the animals, it creates a perfect release sight for all animals suitable for rehabilitation and release. As well as a site for animals to become wild, it also provides jobs for those who wouldnt have them otherwise.
Harnas Wildlife Foundation is doing an amazing job, and i wish them and all volunteers the best of luck. This place really made me set my sights on what i want to do after my degree.
All i can say is "expect the unexpected".